Yellowstone National Park

The Efforts On Stream Erosion Prevention and Mitigation Banks

Mitigation banks continue to support much-needed offset for unavoidable impacts to our Nation’s streams, but are we deploying the best methods for restoration of stream banks and enhancement of riparian areas?

According to the 2008 Mitigation Rule, All restoration and/or enhancement measures should be designed with the goal of improving integrity, habitat, and water quality using the most passive, least invasive techniques available.

Yellowstone Park

Yellowstone River

In places like the Upper Yellowstone River watershed in Montana and elsewhere across the U.S., increasing flood frequency and duration are causing traditional bank stabilization and rechannelization efforts to fail wholly and catastrophically. 

Trout Headwaters, Inc. (THI) recently published an article describing one example of a proven approach to reducing excess streambank erosion and restoring stream buffers that is lower-cost, lower-risk, and sustainable.

The Effects of Hardening the Artery – Rivers and Riprap by THI

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