Mitigation Bank Credits in Virginia


Mitigation Bank

We are stewards of vital natural resources, providing stream and wetland mitigation credits used to offset development and enable efficient permitting.

montebello mitigation bank

Welcome to the Montebello Mitigation Project

Montebello Mitigation Bank provides stream and wetland mitigation credits as the most convenient, cost‐efficient, and ecologically‐beneficial means to satisfy Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act regulations in your area. Meet regulatory requirements quickly and conveniently with both ecological integrity and liability protection.

GSA Property
Geographic Service Area

The Montebello Mitigation Bank lies north of Orange, Virginia and services a broad Geographic Service Area (GSA).

Watersheds in GSA

Rapidan‐Upper Rappahannock 02080103
Lower Rappahannock 02080104
to include the City of Fredericksburg and those portions of Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties within the Lower Rappahannock watershed

Counties in GSA
Portions of Orange, Madison, Rappahannock Culpeper, Spotsylvania, Prince William, Stafford

mitigation credits hand
Credit Types Available

The Montebello Mitigation Bank provides the highest‐quality stream and wetland mitigation credits, simple straight-forward pricing and reliable, high-quality service.

Types of Credits-
Stream & Riverine
Palustrine Emergent Wetland
Palustrine Scrub‐Shrub Wetland
Palustrine Forested Wetland

Ask Us for a Letter of Availability to Service your Project today.

Fully‐permitted mitigation project occupying approximately 513 acres near Orange, in Orange County, Va., and offering the highest‐quality stream and wetland mitigation credits.

Types of Credits-
Stream and Riverine
Palustrine Emergent Wetland
Palustrine Scrub‐Shrub Wetland
Palustrine Forested Wetland


The Montebello Rosse Trust established the Montebello Mitigation Bank to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources in the Rapidan – Upper Rappahannock HUC 02080103 watershed and a portion of the immediately adjacent 8-digit HUC downstream in the Lower Rappahannock River Basin (HUC 02080104).

Montebello Rosse Trust established the Montebello Mitigation Bank to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources in the Rapidan – Upper Rappahannock HUC 02080103 watershed and a portion of the immediately adjacent 8-digit HUC downstream in the Lower Rappahannock River Basin (HUC 02080104) on land owned by the Montebello Rosse Trust.

What Is Mitigation Banking?

Mitigation banking is a system of credits devised to ensure that ecological loss, especially loss to wetlands and streams resulting from various development works, is compensated by the preservation and restoration of wetlands, natural habitats, and streams in other areas so that there is no net loss to the environment.

Project Details

The Montebello Bank site is located within the headwaters of the Rapidan River and contains several tributaries to the Rapidan River.

The restored and enhanced wetlands, streams, and associated riparian areas areas within the mitigation bank will be protected in perpetuity and a non-wasting endowment created to maintain the restored habitats.

Restoration Goals

Restoration activities have been designed to address prior damaged site conditions (including channel instability and erosion) as well as renew floodplain connectivity and improve vegetative diversity and cover.

Enhancement activities will improve water quality, flood storage and stream ecology.  Riparian area improvements include buffer planting within a 200-foot buffer of woody and herbaceous native plants.

  • Improved water quality
  • Improved flood storage
  • Enhanced stream ecology
  • Wide riparian buffers
  •  Increased biodiversity


The Bank provides stream and wetland mitigation credits through the restoration, enhancement and preservation of aquatic ecosystems: streams, wetlands, riparian areas and upland buffers.

  • Stream mitigation credits
  • Wetland mitigation credits
  • Serving HUC 02080103 
  • Serving HUC 02080104

Free Download

Montebello Mitigation Bank Tear sheet

Montebello Mitigation Bank Tear sheet

Montebello Mitigation Bank provides stream and wetland mitigation credits to meet regulatory
requirements quickly and conveniently.

Get your FREE Tear Sheet Download NOW!